People may have a tendency to prefer local or national products, a phenomenon\noften referred as local protectionism. In the meanwhile, consumption of\noversea or well-known products is a symbol of social status. An important\nquestion for both non-Chinese and Chinese manufacturers and researchers is\nwhether Chinese prefer local or oversea products? Previous studies have\nshown that explicit survey is often not reliable, thus an Implicit Association\nTest (IAT) study is conducted with 80 Chinese college students (40 males and\n40 females) to investigate their implicit place-of-origin stereotypes about\nChinese and foreign mobile phone brands. The results show that implicit\nplace-of-origin stereotypes about mobile phone brands do exist among Chinese\ncollege students. They implicitly prefer, to various extents, foreign mobile\nphone brands, and male college students in particular are less interested\nin Chinese mobile phone brands. This study demonstrated an important application\nof the Implicit Association Test and has important application in\nguiding the marketing of products.